4th of July at Elfin Cove

Four years after our visit to Elfin Cove there is something very long overdue.

Planning the Alaska trip for two years, executing our plan, giving lectures about it and writing a comprehensive report all took it's toll. Just to get on with life, work and new projects I had forcefully let it rest.

It's now January 2003 and the fourth of a July since our visit should not pass unnoticed. I would like to thank all the people of Elfin Cove for a very memorable stay at this magic place. A very special thank-you to Betty and Don for helping out in true Alaskan style when we paddled-in with Sanja's broken leg. Alaska for me is Bear Country, Whale Waters and Friendly People.

Translating my trip report in English may or may not happen in the future. But until then here are the pictures taken during our stay at Elfin Cove, early July 1999.

© A.M. Schoevers